Let me start from the very beginning.
About two years ago the Lord began to birth within me a desire to learn about mentoring. I spoke with a couple of ladies at our church who also felt the move of God in this area. A couple of us attended seminars and conferences teaching on the subject of mentoring. Then last June I had the privledge of attending an incredible conference through Proverb 31 Ministries, in North Carolina. During those four days God was continually pouring into my heart, so much so I was literally moved to tears asking Him what I was to do with all He placed upon my heart. What I felt I received in response was,"do nothing, just wait". Ughhhhh! Not exactly what I wanted to hear. I wanted to move on it, and I wanted to do it now!!!! Patience is not my strongest character trait!
I now see so many of the reasons the Lord was having me wait. There was much He was putting into place, and still much He was showing me.
Since this time I have had conversation after conversation with women who have been struggling in the area of friendships within the church. Many feeling they were like the new girl in high school, when everyone already has their best friends and you just don't fit in anywhere or with anyone. Women who have experienced being hurt by another so they have put up walls around their hearts. Women who have been snubbed by others, out of jealousy or resentment, whether, real or imagined. Some of these women weren't women new to the church many have been part of the body of Christ for years. Women who have served faithfully on numerous occasions throughout the years. The lonliness they described just broke my heart.
As I have prayed about all of this I get a great sense that this is breaking God's heart as well, and it's not the way it's suppose to be. God has created us women so much differently then man when it comes to relationships. We need each other and we crave close friendships with other women.
This past spring a friend invited me to go hear a speaker by the name of Dee Brestin, who wrote the book titled, "The Friendships of Women". This book was originally published over thirty years ago but was recently revised with an added Bible study companion. As I sat listening to Dee speak that day, throughout the entire day I kept getting those, chills or holy bumps as one of my friends refers to them. I knew the Holy Spirit was moving within me to purchase the study materials. It wasn't until I returned home and throughout the next few days the Lord gave me a vision for ministry for women in the body of Christ. Not only a ministry to learn about friendships but the Lord showed me how He wanted to tie in mentoring. After this vision, once again I am hearing "wait". Ughhhhh I would love to be able to say I have done this waiting patiently but then I wouldn't be being honest.
Once again, in hind sight, I now see why the Lord was having me wait. Throughout this time my mother was diagnosed with cancer and she has since gone on to be with the Lord. Yet, even in this the Lord was showing me and teaching things about friendship and mentoring that would be vital to the forming of this ministry.
We have been pulling together leaders and hosts, women who will be opening their homes and hearts to meet with five other women on a weekly basis, on various days and times, to not only go through the Friendships of Women Bible study, but to build relationships. To help pull together a group of women who can get to know each other, and live life together! Every woman, whether your a social butterfly or not will benefit from being a part of one of these groups. If your a woman with many friendships this study is made for you. It covers the sticky topics of friendship that very seldom get talked about, and then when it happens your friendship usually falls apart. It doesn't have to be that way, nor should it be that way! If your not so social and find it hard to meet other women, here's your opportunity to not just meet others but really get to know them. We can learn how to build friendships with God as our center and friendships with those that have learned much already and are eager to share their experiences. God gave us His word that we could learn by those who have gone before us, He gave us this example. Yet we don't often in our current culture utilize the wisdom of those who have traveled this road we call life a little bit longer than we have. We are to learn from them, and then share that wisdom with the ones following us along the way. These groups will be as multi-generational as participating women allow.
Now the time has come and on January 23, 2010, we at Bedford Christian Community will have our Kick-Off for the Friendships of Women study groups.
Between now and this time get a questionaire form at the information desk, fill it out and leave it with them at the desk, they'll get it where it needs to go. Then on January 23rd, from 10am til 12pm come to the church to view the video teaching from Dee Brestin, and get hooked up with your group! And if you have any questions feel free to give me a call at 734-856-4397.
And check back here from time to time as I post on the topic of friendship and mentoring. Iwill
try to add links to others sites on these topics as well. Have mercy on me in understanding this site is a work in progress and I spend more time trying to figure out how to do something than the actual task itself will take when it comes to my computer! another ughhhhh!
Be blessed and in His presence, allowing Him to wrap you in His peace as He guides us all throughout our lives together, in One with Him, for nothing but His glory!
About two years ago the Lord began to birth within me a desire to learn about mentoring. I spoke with a couple of ladies at our church who also felt the move of God in this area. A couple of us attended seminars and conferences teaching on the subject of mentoring. Then last June I had the privledge of attending an incredible conference through Proverb 31 Ministries, in North Carolina. During those four days God was continually pouring into my heart, so much so I was literally moved to tears asking Him what I was to do with all He placed upon my heart. What I felt I received in response was,"do nothing, just wait". Ughhhhh! Not exactly what I wanted to hear. I wanted to move on it, and I wanted to do it now!!!! Patience is not my strongest character trait!
I now see so many of the reasons the Lord was having me wait. There was much He was putting into place, and still much He was showing me.
Since this time I have had conversation after conversation with women who have been struggling in the area of friendships within the church. Many feeling they were like the new girl in high school, when everyone already has their best friends and you just don't fit in anywhere or with anyone. Women who have experienced being hurt by another so they have put up walls around their hearts. Women who have been snubbed by others, out of jealousy or resentment, whether, real or imagined. Some of these women weren't women new to the church many have been part of the body of Christ for years. Women who have served faithfully on numerous occasions throughout the years. The lonliness they described just broke my heart.
As I have prayed about all of this I get a great sense that this is breaking God's heart as well, and it's not the way it's suppose to be. God has created us women so much differently then man when it comes to relationships. We need each other and we crave close friendships with other women.
This past spring a friend invited me to go hear a speaker by the name of Dee Brestin, who wrote the book titled, "The Friendships of Women". This book was originally published over thirty years ago but was recently revised with an added Bible study companion. As I sat listening to Dee speak that day, throughout the entire day I kept getting those, chills or holy bumps as one of my friends refers to them. I knew the Holy Spirit was moving within me to purchase the study materials. It wasn't until I returned home and throughout the next few days the Lord gave me a vision for ministry for women in the body of Christ. Not only a ministry to learn about friendships but the Lord showed me how He wanted to tie in mentoring. After this vision, once again I am hearing "wait". Ughhhhh I would love to be able to say I have done this waiting patiently but then I wouldn't be being honest.
Once again, in hind sight, I now see why the Lord was having me wait. Throughout this time my mother was diagnosed with cancer and she has since gone on to be with the Lord. Yet, even in this the Lord was showing me and teaching things about friendship and mentoring that would be vital to the forming of this ministry.
We have been pulling together leaders and hosts, women who will be opening their homes and hearts to meet with five other women on a weekly basis, on various days and times, to not only go through the Friendships of Women Bible study, but to build relationships. To help pull together a group of women who can get to know each other, and live life together! Every woman, whether your a social butterfly or not will benefit from being a part of one of these groups. If your a woman with many friendships this study is made for you. It covers the sticky topics of friendship that very seldom get talked about, and then when it happens your friendship usually falls apart. It doesn't have to be that way, nor should it be that way! If your not so social and find it hard to meet other women, here's your opportunity to not just meet others but really get to know them. We can learn how to build friendships with God as our center and friendships with those that have learned much already and are eager to share their experiences. God gave us His word that we could learn by those who have gone before us, He gave us this example. Yet we don't often in our current culture utilize the wisdom of those who have traveled this road we call life a little bit longer than we have. We are to learn from them, and then share that wisdom with the ones following us along the way. These groups will be as multi-generational as participating women allow.
Now the time has come and on January 23, 2010, we at Bedford Christian Community will have our Kick-Off for the Friendships of Women study groups.
Between now and this time get a questionaire form at the information desk, fill it out and leave it with them at the desk, they'll get it where it needs to go. Then on January 23rd, from 10am til 12pm come to the church to view the video teaching from Dee Brestin, and get hooked up with your group! And if you have any questions feel free to give me a call at 734-856-4397.
And check back here from time to time as I post on the topic of friendship and mentoring. Iwill
try to add links to others sites on these topics as well. Have mercy on me in understanding this site is a work in progress and I spend more time trying to figure out how to do something than the actual task itself will take when it comes to my computer! another ughhhhh!
Be blessed and in His presence, allowing Him to wrap you in His peace as He guides us all throughout our lives together, in One with Him, for nothing but His glory!